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Alias for Local Natives member Nik Ewing.


Studio coversLive coversSamplesMedleys"Bedroom" covers
Song Album Year ListenNotes
"End Of The Show"Pacific Ocean Blue2018
"Farewell My Friend"Pacific Ocean Blue2018
"Friday Night"Pacific Ocean Blue2018
"What's Wrong"Pacific Ocean Blue2018

Chewing feat. Local Natives

Also see Chewing and Local Natives.

Song Album Year ListenNotes
"Pacific Ocean Blues"Pacific Ocean Blue2018
"Rainbows"Pacific Ocean Blue2018
"River Song"
(covered as "River")
Pacific Ocean Blue2018SpotifyElectronica cover

Chewing feat. Cults

Also see Chewing and Cults.

Song Album Year ListenNotes
"Moonshine"Pacific Ocean Blue2018SpotifyElectronica cover

Chewing feat. The Gloomies

Also see Chewing and The Gloomies.

Song Album Year ListenNotes
"Dreamer"Pacific Ocean Blue2018

Chewing feat. POP ETC

Also see Chewing and POP ETC.

Song Album Year ListenNotes
"Thoughts Of You"Pacific Ocean Blue2018

Chewing feat. Local Natives and Nico Segal

Also see Chewing, Local Natives and Nico Segal.

Song Album Year ListenNotes
"Time"Pacific Ocean Blue2018SpotifyElectronica cover

Chewing feat. Evan Voytas

Also see Chewing and Evan Voytas.

Song Album Year ListenNotes
"You And I"Pacific Ocean Blue2018