Beach Boys Cover Database
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60s Beach Boys albums
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Involving Beach Boys
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Other W artists
Wainwright, Rufus
Walk Off The Earth
Walkysons, Los
Wall Of Voodoo
Wallace, Annie
Waller, Jim And Deltas, The
Walukso, Nick
Wanderers, The
Ward, B.J.
Ward, M.
Warner, Kai And His Orchestra
Warren, James
Watkins, Geraint
Ways And Means, The
Wayward Five, The
Webb, Jimmy
Wedding Present, The
Wedsel's Edsels
Weelers, Los
Werner, Max
Werner, Susan
West Coast All Stars
Weston, Tim & Flint, Shelby
Wetton, John
Wheeler, Maxwell P.
Whispering Band
White Blue Yellow & Clouds
White, Chris
Whitesidewalls, The
Wiggs, Josephine Experience
Wiking Groth
Wildgoose, Jody
Will C.
Willberg, Pepe
Williams, Andy
Williams, Brooks
Williams, Jerry
Williams, Jerry & Roadwork
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Scott & Saker, Bob
Wilson, Brian
Wilson, Carl
Wilson, Carl B.
Wilson, Carnie
Wilson, Dave Quartet
Wilson, Dennis
Wilson, Gary Band, The
Wilson, Justyn
Wilson, Mari
Wilson, Murry
Wilson, Wendy
Wilson-Rutherford, Marilyn
Wilsons Phillips
Wilsons, The
Winkler, Mark
Winners, The
Winston, Eric & His Orchestra
Wishful Thinking
Wolf, Patrick
Wolfgramm Sisters, The
Wonderland Of Sound
Wood, Lilly & Prick, The
Woofers, The
World Famous Blue Jays
Worlds Of Love, The
Wreckless Eric & Rigby, Amy
Wright, Danny
Wrigley, Stephen with Richardson, Glen
Wunderlich, Klaus
Wuppertaler Rockfolk Orchester, Das
Wynette, Tammy
Other Jazz & orchestral artists
101 Strings Orchestra & Alshire Singers, The
Ackles, Stephen
Acme Jazz Company
Akchoté, Noël
Aldrich, Ronnie And His Two Pianos with London Festival Orchestra, The
Allan, Clive Orchestra, The And Singers
Alzner, Claudius Und Sein Orchester
Anvil Flutes, The And Capricorn Voices, The
Arpin, John
Austin, Patti
Available Jelly
Awakening Orchestra, The
Bagdad Dagblad
Basile, John
Bassenge, Lisa
Beck, Gordon Quartet, The
Benjamin, Adam
Biesterfeldt, Chris
Bilk, Acker
Bilk, Acker
Birdsongs of the Mesozoic
Blake, Garry And His Orchestra
Blake, Seamus
Bobby Patrick Band, The
Bokenjo, The
Bollani, Stefano
Bollard, Alex
Boots Randolph
Brodsky Quartet, The
Brown Jr., Ray feat. Somerville, David
Browne, Allan, Hannaford, Marc & Anning, Sam
Carlton, Larry
Cass, David Michael
Caymmi, Dori
Cederholm & Brdr. Hellemann
Charles E. Jordan High School Jazz Band
Cole, Holly
Collier, Jacob
Conniff, Ray
Costa, Don
Cowley, Neil Trio, The
Cramer, Floyd
Crau, Michel
Crazy Otto
Crimson Ensemble
Cullum, Jamie
De Azevedo, Lex
De Vorzon, Barry
DeCaro, Nick And Orchestra
Deep Shade Of Blue
Delgado, Roberto & His Orchestra
DelMastro, C. L.
Dimbleby, Kate
Doménech, Alfredo Y Su Conjunto
Douglas, Steve
Dowsing, Gretchen
Eastman, Madeline + Porter, Randy
Edwards, Bobby
Elias, Eliane
Faith, Amanda
Fauré Quartett
Ferrante & Teicher
Fias, Attila
Fifty Guitars, The
Florida State University Marching Chiefs
Foreman, John
Four Bags, The
Frampton, Mac
Freeway Philharmonic
Frisell, Bill
Gascoyne, Geoff
Gascoyne, Geoff feat. Cullum, Jamie
Gatton, Danny
Geyer, Renée
Goldings, Larry
Gomez, Eddie
Grusin, Don
Hampton String Quartet , The
Hampton String Quartet, The
Hayashi, Tadao
Hayman, Richard and His Symphony Orchestra
Heidt Jr., Horace And His All Star Band
Hill, Cecil
Hill, Dan
Hoff, Jan Gunnar
Hofman, Fred
Hollyridge Strings, The
Hunter, Charlie and Parker, Leon
Inomata, Takeshi & His West Liners
Isham, Mark
Jacinto, Ramon
Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey
Janssen, Guus Septet
Jazz Paradise
João, Maria & Laginha, Mário
Kaminski, Matthew
Kaptajn Klyde med Svend Erik Kedeligs Kvartet
Khan, Steve With Anders, Gabriela
Kikoski, David Trio
Kirsti, Ola & Erik
Kostelanetz, André And His Orchestra
Kujala, Steve
Lambert, Franz
Last, James
Leading Figures, The
Letanka, Pete Trio, The
Levin, Pete
Lewis, Leroy with Rapp, Willis
Lili & Anders
Living Strings, The
Lloyd, Charles and Moran, Jason
Lloyd, Charles Quartet, The
London Starlight Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra, The featuring Royal Choral Society, The
Lowden, Bob
Maclaine, Sarah
Mancini, Henry
Mantovani And His Orchestra
Marcus, Michael & Byard, Jaki Trio, The
Marinello, Gino Orchestra, The
Martier, Laura and Toomey, John Quartet, The
Masekela, Hugh
Matsuda, Koichi
Mayorga, Lincoln
McCoy, Freddie
McFarland, Gary & Co.
McKee, Andy
McNeill, Malcolm
McRae, Carmen
Mehldau, Brad
Mehldau, Brad Trio
Mendoza, Vince
Menezes, Liz
MGM Singing Strings, The
Miami University Marching Band
Miller, Ashley
Mitchell, Katrina & Wells, Bill
Montenegro, Hugo
Moran, Sam
More House School Jazz Band
Muñoz, Carli
Mure, Billy's Supersonic Guitars
Nakamoto, Mari
National Jazz Trio Of Scotland, The
New Reflections Orchestra, The
New Symphonic Orchestra
New York Metropolitan Orchestra
Oldham, Andrew Orchestra, The
Osborne, Jeffrey
Pearson, James Trio, The
Peplowski, Ken
Person, Houston
Phillips, Barry
Pietropaoli, Mazzariello, Paternesi
Pizzarelli, John
Portsmouth Sinfonia, The
Post, Mike
Reed, Les Orchestra
Rizzi, Tony & Pacific!
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The
Rudegeair, Adam
Sand, Ida
Santing, Mathilde
Saunier, Greg; Halvorson, Mary; Miles, Ron
Saury, Maxime Et Son Orchestre
Scott, Marilyn
Sentimental Strings Orchestra, The
Simon, Fred
Slováček, Felix
Smith, Paul
Sounds Incorporated
Sounds Orchestral
Souza, Luciana
Stilgoe, Joe
Stone, Joss
Strasser, Hugo Und Sein Tanzorchester
Sugarpie & Candymen, The
Surf Symphony, The
Surrey Brass
Svetlana And Delancey Five, The
Teal, Clare
Thomas, Peter Sound Orchestra
Tobin, Christine
Trio Rococo
Vienna Symphony Orchestra
Vitamin String Quartet
Vogel, Karsten & Thybo, Niels
Volunteered Slaves, The
Warner, Kai And His Orchestra
Watkins, Geraint
Weston, Tim & Flint, Shelby
Whispering Band
Wilson, Dave Quartet
Wilson, Mari
Wilson, Murry
Winkler, Mark
Winston, Eric & His Orchestra
Wright, Danny
Wunderlich, Klaus
Young-Holt Unlimited, The
Zakian, Laura
Danny Wright
American pianist and New Age musician
Studio covers
Live covers
"Bedroom" covers
California Girls
Hot Summer Nights
Piano medley of "
California Girls
" and "
In My Room
In My Room
Hot Summer Nights
Piano medley of "
California Girls
" and "
In My Room